Get ready for your next appointment at Northeast Allergy, Asthma & Immunology! Patch testing consists of three separate appointments to detect delayed allergic reactions. These will usually be a Monday, Wednesday & Thursday or a Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday. Here is everything you need to know to prepare for your Food or Drug Patch Testing Appointment.
Before your appointment:
- Stop all antihistamines one week before your appointment. Click here for a list of all medications that need to be stopped!
- Antihistamines and decongestants can interfere with testing by blocking the allergic response. In order for us to give you accurate test results, please stop all prescription and over the counter antihistamines and decongestants prior to your appointment.
First appointment: You will meet with the doctor and have the patches applied. Please allow an hour for this appointment.
Second appointment: (48 hours after first appointment) You will meet with a nurse who will remove the patches and assess your back. This appointment will take about 30 minutes.
Third appointment: (24 hours after the patch has been removed) You will meet with the doctor again who will assess your back again and go over your results.
Notes for appointment:
- Please do not shower until the patches have been removed.
- If possible, please wear a tight fitting shirt while sleeping to help keep the patches in place.